The loudest unspoken answer..

For every single instance and situation of our lives, God has left a clue or an example.

Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu, was once resting in his abode. Narada, ancient India’s most traveled sage with the ability to visit distant worlds and realms, visited him with an eager inquisitiveness.

‘Dear Lord, this world has witnessed endless females expressing their love for You. Their extreme devotion bearing a willingness to dedicate their entire lives to You. However, my curiosity knows no bounds when I come to think, whose love is immaculate and above all?’

Krishna replied, ‘thoughtful question Munivar ! However, I have to interrupt this conversation here, since I have a favor to ask of You’.

‘I have been experiencing a severe headache since some time now. The only remedy to which is washing the feet of a female devoted to me and bringing the used water for me to drink.’

‘As You say my Lord’, replied Narada and immediately set off to fetch the same.

He went straightaway to Rukmini, Lord Krishna’s Queen and delivered the news. Upon hearing, what she rendered unbelievable, she backed off with horror. Claiming that doing such a task to the supreme Narayana would be the utmost sin. Henceforth she would by no means let such a thing go anywhere near the Lord.

Thus Narada went on to meet the other 3 queens of Lord Krishna. The reaction was same.

He finally went to ask the favor from Radha, Krishna’s beloved companion, friend and adviser. Doing so, he narrated Lord’s situation to her and eagerly waited for a response.

Radha went quite for a moment and silently got up. She washed her feet, collected the water in a small vessel and handed over the same to him.

Narada could not help but ask, ‘Are You not afraid of a sin?’

‘If this is the only solution that cures My Lord’s pain. Then I am willing to take up the weight of this sin for him.’

Narada joined his hands for a respectful Pranam to her.

At his abode, Lord Krishna smiled.

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